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We publish periodical newsletters since June 2012:

- new freshwater world records with photo and description
- new outstanding catches with photo and description
- record catches of the last years, which we are able to verify only now
- historical catches, which shall not be forgotten

And the best thing... IT´S FREE!

Just send an eMail to office (at) and you´re part of this worldwide exclusive community.
Your eMail address will be held confidential and won´t be given to any third party.
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In addition we are the keeper of the record list of AUSTRIA. Please click the link to view the actual records:
record fish Austria 2024

last update: 25th July 2024  |   Disclosure  |   Terms and Privacy  |   About  |   Partners
© 2024 Fishing World e.U.  |  World Records Freshwater Fishing® is a registered trademark  |  realization: grafikbyfilters
World Records Freshwater Fishing by Heinz Machacek is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.