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Brachyplatystoma filamentosum

Piraiba, Kumakuma

largest record catch captured in a picture and published

category: rod & reel record
weight: 155,00 kg ( 341 lb 11 oz )
length: ~ 230 cm ( ~ 91 inches )
locality: Amazon River, Brazil
year: 2009
record caught by: Jorge Masullo de Aguiar , courtesy of: -
category: questionable record
weight: 225,00 kg ( 496 lb 1 oz )
length: ~ 270 cm ( ~ 106 inches )
locality: Rio Teles Pires, Brazil
year: 2009
record caught by: Mr. Francisco , courtesy of: -
comment: not verified, maybe world record
category: questionable record
weight: ~ 181,50 kg ( ~ 400 lb )
length: + 230 cm ( + 91 inches )
locality: Courantyne River, Suriname
year: 2007
2898_Piraiba_Brachyplatystoma filamentosum.jpg
record caught by: Larry Dahlberg , courtesy of: -
comment: weight probably overestimated

"rod & reel" world record caught in:
Brazil / capital: Brasília / 8,514,877 sq km



category metric english waters country year
rod & reel * 155,00 kg 341 lb 11 oz Amazon River Brazil 2009
other methods + 200,00 kg + 441 lb Amazon River system, Orinoco River system Brazil, Venezuela unknown
questionable 317,00 kg 698 lb 14 oz Amazon River system, Orinoco River system Brazil, Venezuela unknown
questionable 225,00 kg 496 lb 1 oz Rio Teles Pires Brazil 2009


category metric english
rod & reel 237 cm 93 inches
other methods ~ 270 cm ~ 106 inches
questionable 366 cm 144 inches


category age
no documented record


rod & reel:
sport fishing record with rod & reel
other methods:
records by other methods (net, hand line, spear, bow fishing etc.)
rod & reel?:
unclear if the fish was caught with rod & reel
records based on anecdotal reports, verification not possible
exactly tie
verified by the IGFA
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