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Carassius gibelio

Prussian Carp

largest record catch captured in a picture and published

category: rod & reel record
weight: 4,84 kg ( 10 lb 11 oz )
length: 58 cm ( 23 inches )
locality: Kocher River, Germany
year: 2009
1332_Prussian Carp_Carassius gibelio.jpg
record caught by: Jan Zablocki , courtesy of: -
category: questionable record
weight: 9,13 kg ( 20 lb 2 oz )
length: 73 cm ( 29 inches )
locality: Zajarki Lake, Croatia
year: 2022
record caught by: Alen Šoštarić , courtesy of: Mihael Šoštarić
comment: confirmed, but far larger than the maximum accepted size
category: questionable record
weight: 5,40 kg ( 11 lb 14 oz )
length: 58 cm ( 23 inches )
locality: Blunker Lake, Germany
year: 2013
3127_Prussian Carp_Carassius gibelio.jpg
record caught by: Dirk Schmidt , courtesy of: -
comment: some witnesses, but according to the photo 5.4 kg is not realistic

"rod & reel" world record caught in:
Germany / capital: Berlin / 357,022 sq km



category metric english waters country year
rod & reel 4,84 kg 10 lb 11 oz Kocher River Germany 2009
questionable 9,13 kg 20 lb 2 oz Zajarki Lake Croatia 2022
questionable 5,40 kg 11 lb 14 oz Blunker Lake Germany 2013


category metric english
rod & reel 62 cm 24 inches


category age
verified 30 years


rod & reel:
sport fishing record with rod & reel
other methods:
records by other methods (net, hand line, spear, bow fishing etc.)
rod & reel?:
unclear if the fish was caught with rod & reel
records based on anecdotal reports, verification not possible
exactly tie
verified by the IGFA
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